The Jesus god of Christendom


Of all the gods in the world the most popular
of them all is the “Jesus” god of Christendom. 

The vast army of two billion almost-Christians 
happily proclaim that their Jesus is “God, the 
son”, a happy god who loves everyone. Many 
of the Jesus-worshipers believe that they are 
“saved” merely by knowing and accepting Jesus 
as their god.

Wouldn’t the Jesus-worshipers of the 
world  be astonished if they knew he 
was only a man-made god?

Who is the real God?

19 O Jehovah, my strength, and my stronghold, 
and my refuge in the day of affliction, unto thee 
shall the nations come from the ends of the earth, 
and shall say, Our fathers have inherited nought 
but lies
, even vanity and things wherein there is no 
profit. 20 Shall a man make unto himself gods, 
which yet are no gods?
 21 Therefore, behold, I will 
cause them to know, this once will I cause them to 
know my hand and my might; and they shall know 
that my name is Jehovah. 
(Jeremiah 16:19-21) (ASV)

The First Lie

The true name of God’s son has not been faithfully 
delivered to this generation of believers. For many 
centuries, the name of the Messiah of Scripture has 
been rendered “Jesus” in the Bibles and many people 
have been hoodwinked into believing the lie that the 
son of God’s name is “Jesus”. The name “Jesus” is 
derived from the Greek language and is not at all the 
proper transliteration of Christ’s Hebrew name – 
Yehoshua. There are many Yeshuas and Yehoshuas 
in the Bible because they are relatively common Biblical 
names. Their names were faithfully transliterated to
“Joshua” or “Jehoshua”.

Why was the the son of God, who is named 
Jehoshua, singled out as the only one called 

Just as Roman Emperor Constantine changed the 
scriptural seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) into the
first-day “Sun” worship (of Sunday), dispensed with
the scriptural holy days and introduced the pagan 
holidays of Christmas and Easter; even the very name 
of the Messiah was stripped of its Hebrew roots and 
was paganized and Hellenized into the form which is 
fashioned after the name of the supreme Greek god 

Who is Ioesus?

“Yahshua never heard the name Jesus. That was a 
name given to him by the early church many years 
after His crucifixion, they wanted to remove any 
Jewishness from the new church. They eliminated 
His Jewish name (Joshua / Jehoshua) and blended 
the name of “Zeus” into the Christian church to make 
it comfortable for all those who previously worshipped 
the Greek and Roman gods – to become Christians. 
Since Zeus was the top god of their experience, 
attaching the name Ioesus to Yahshua (Yehoshua) 
gave Him top priority in the worship hierarchy.”
-Believer or Follower?
The Sound of the Shofar
By Jon Thompson

“The name that American Christians use 
for the Messiah is Jesus. This is a derivation 
of Iesus which is literally translated from 
Greek as ‘Hail, Zeus’. Using “SUS” at the end 
of the word is related to Zeus. When Constantine 
proclaimed Christianity as the state religion 
of Rome on his deathbed in 300 AD, he changed 
the names of the Roman gods to become names of 
Catholic deity and saints. It merged paganism 
with Christianity and distorted the Gospel 
message. Christ’s real name in english would
be “Joshua” (or Jehoshua) – the Messiah.”
– Vision Outreach Ministries
KB Gunn & Anamcari

“”Je-Sus”; “Je” (Ie) in Greek meaning “hail” 
and “Sus” (Zeus) meaning hail Zeus. The Greeks 
used the ending –sus in naming many of their 
towns to give homage to their main deity Zeus. 
Thus, by following modern traditions, 
we may actually be praising a Pagan God.”
– The Name of the Messiah
Torah Ministries

The Second Lie

Not content with taking Jehovah God’s name out 
of the Bible and mutating His son, Jehoshua’s 
name into the now, widespread and popular “Jesus”, 
Satan’s human henchmen now elevated and promoted 
this name to be God’s new name by teaching the false 
and senseless belief that the son is now the Father. 

“The Church of Rome borrowed her doctrine
of the Divinity of Christ from the pagans
and the way they worshipped their pagan gods,
as half human and half god. Their adoration
of Jesus as a man-god was almost identical
to their devotions to the ancient pagan gods.”
-Pagan Origin of Partialist Doctrines 
By John Claudius Pitrat
Published 1871

“The cult that arose in Babylon and spread its cult
tentacles throughout the world was trinitarian 
(Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop). At first, 
this doctrine was merely humanism, man making 
himself god. The first humanism trinity of record to 
be setup and worshiped as gods, was that of Nimrod, 
Simeramus, and Tammuz. These are in the Old 
Testament in the Canaanite language identified as 
Baal, Ashtoreth, and Tammuz. At the dispersion of 
the people at the Tower of Babel, this trinity doctrine 
of humanism was spread all over the world. Each 
religion of all the pagan religions held two common 
traits: 1.) A trinity of gods and; 2.) These were in a 
form of human gods.”
-Jesus Messieh Fellowship 
The Trinity Doctrine Is Pagan 
By Cohen G. Reckart, Pastor

The damage has already been done! The whole
Christian world of trinitarians believes that “Jesus 
is God, the son“. The basis for their religion is
based on two lies created in ancient pagan Rome.

How can it get any worse?


According to the online Encyclopedia Wikipedia:


(also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and 
rarely Imen, Greek Ἄμμων Ammon, and Ἅμμων 
Hammon, reconstructed EgyptianYamānu) was 
the name of a deity, in Egyptian mythology, who 
gradually rose to become one of the most important 
deities in Ancient Egypt, before fading into obscurity.


Yes, the Jesus worshipers pray to their Jesus trinity god
and end their “devout” prayers with the name of another

Is there any end to the paganism
of the pure Christian beliefs God’s
son brought us?

The over 300 sects of Christendom have many 
non-Christian beliefs they accept such as:

  • Birthday celebration
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Lent
  • The “Christian Trinity”
  • The Deity of Jesus
  • The Nameless Lord
  • Saint worship
  • The Cross
  • Fiery Hell
  • Once saved is always saved

Is there a Bible-based religion that follows
the teachings of Christ faithfully without 
worthless and unwanted pagan additions?

There is only one organization in the world
that promotes the God who gave His name
to them.

10 “YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of Jehovah,
“even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that 
YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may 
understand that I am the same One. Before me there was 
no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. 
11 I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.” 
12 “I myself have told forth and have saved and have 
caused [it] to be heard, when there was among YOU no 
strange [god]. So YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance 
of Jehovah, “and I am God. 
(Isaiah 43:10-12) (NWT)


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